Sunday, June 29, 2008


So I changed my blog layout and I lost all my LINKS!!! Please send me your blog spot so I can put it back up on my blog! I will miss all my friends and family if I don't have them! I should have written it down first, but I didn't - dumb move!


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Monument Picts

Ben and Gabe posing ever so perfectly at the Washington Monument.

At this tree, between the Washington Monument and the reflecting pool, Ben discreetly peed on it (after the policeman walked by). Just something else to do in DC.

The World War II Memorial .

Here is the gang of us on the steps of the Lincoln Monument. We were all a little exhausted at the time. Ben's shoe and pant leg were wet because he lost his balance while walking along the edge of the reflecting pool. Mike caught him before he completely fell in. Ben almost went swimming with the ducks and whatever else is growing/living there.
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More Monument Picts

Here we are at the World War II Memorial

Doesn't Ben look so HANDSOME? Gabe would look just as handsome if it weren't for the infernal pacifire!
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Heading to Washington DC

On May 22 we drove to Washington DC for a day of sight-seeing. On the way there we saw a giant semi pulling a heavy load - see below.
We went to the Air and Space Museum, the Natural History Museum, the Washington Monument, the World War II Memorial, the Vietnam Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial and then swung over to get as close to the White House as we could. We did a LOT of walking. Ben did great!! He walked most of it and only rode in the stroller for a short period of time. The weather was PERFECT!! Sunny, but cool.

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Ben and his buddies

Ben has made some good friends at preschool. From left to right - Colin, Ben, Billy, Katrina, and Sophia. We have a very busy schedule with all of Ben's playdates.
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Preschool Graduation

On May 21st we (Ethan & Amber - visitng from Las Vegas, me, and Gabe) went to Ben's preschool graduation. Big Day! Ben gave an Oscar worthy performance of "The Six Little Pigs". An adaptation of "The Three Little Pigs". Ben was a pig in the house made of bricks. He stayed in charactaer throughout the performance. A future career? Hopefully not. It was cute, though and it was a lot of fun to have Ethan and Amber join us.
During the ceremony all the kids managed to stay somewhat still, but Ethan had trouble capturing a picture of Ben because Ben seems to lack the hold still ability. He jumps up and down, talks to his neighbor. He is a bundle of energy. At the end of the graduation, after the pizza and cake, and running around the gym Ben was SPENT! He had a meltdown and I knew it was time to go.

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Monday, June 9, 2008

Things to do on a Sunday night

I just think this is a cute photo. Mike told me that Gabe's bum is like a marshmallow - soft and squishy. It would be indecent to show you a photo of it, though.

Here are the boys taking a ride on our family mule. He's a very hard worker.

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Cute boys at playground

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Local Farm - sheep shearing

In the beginning of May we drove out to a local farm where the sheep were being sheared - old school style. Gabe was fascinated and terrified by the sheep and the loud BAAAAAAH. It was pretty funny. Also, we thought that our viewers would enjoy the precarious position the sheep was in for the sheep shearing.

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Gabe and Ben - fake sleeping

I thought these pictures were funny. The boys were messing around on the weekend and decided it would be fun to pretend that they were sleeping. It is a game I encourage.

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Bad Blogger! Bad! Bad!!

Alright, alright. So, I haven't written or posted for awhile and I think my 2, maybe 3 fans are probably wondering what's up. I have no good excuses. It seems that when the clock hits 8:00 pm I go into shut-down mode and the only thing that has moving capability is my right hand attached to the remote control.

A lot has been going on lately. I have oodles of photos that I need to post. So, I will start from the back and move forward.

We miss all our family and friends!!!!
