Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Silly photos of B & G

Gabe showing off the groovy wig and what looks like a hairy armpit.  Our boys are mature for their age.

Ben, always the coolest dude.
Our three sons.  Sam is the orange popsicle in the middle.  He got a good case of jaudice that is fading slowly.
This is Gabe imitating Mike and his TV watching face.  Gabe said to Mike, "Dad, why do you make this face when you watch TV?"  Mike had no idea what he was talking about.  As soon as I saw it I recognized it right away!  That is the face Mike makes when he is trying to tune everything else out and focus on some WWII show.  Funny thing is, Mike can't even consciously make the face himself.
Gabe showing us his big mouth - lots of noise comes from that place.
Ben and his bug bite or spider bite in the shaped of a "P" - just showing that he is a true Phillies Fan.

Most recent photos of Sam

Babies are so cute while they are sleeping - all smushy and soft and perfect looking. Here are the photos I took of Sam yesterday. I must admit that he is pretty darn cute.  Look at that face - it is irresistable.  Don't you just want to kiss those cheeks!

Baby Sam

Most of you know that Sam was born on May 3, 2010 - about 4 weeks early, but he was a healthy boy weighing in at 7 lbs 5 oz. and 20.5 inches. I am glad he was born early because if he had gone full term he would have been HUGE!