Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Talent Show

On Friday night the ward had a talent show and Ben decided that he wanted to sing the Hokey Pokey. When he got to the front he noticed that the audience was pretty large and a little scary, so he invited me to join him. Gabe joined us for a bit of it too. The audience joined in a rousing rendition of the Hokey Pokey. Ben led us with his right arm, left arm, right leg, left leg, and head. He did great!!! The talent show was fantastic. We saw all sorts of different talents - jumping, piano playing, violin, karate, lip-synch guitar playing, dancing - all very cute. Ben and his friend Jake also displayed their Lego creations - a popular item among 5 - 8 year old boys.

On the way home Mike and I were congratulating Ben on what a great job he did to which Ben responded, "I was a little nervous. I was emprehensive (apprehensive)." Impressive word usage. Mike said, "You were apprehensive, huh?" Ben corrected him, "No, EMPrehensive." 5 year olds know best, I guess.

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