It is almost February - cold and windy. No snow. This is the month that I start to look forward eagerly to spring. It is the post holiday doldroms. At least it is not Utah with the inversion and lack of sun. Just blustery cold.
All is well here at the Fairchild home despite the constant stream of boogers and incessant coughing - not me of course. Took Ben to the Dr.'s office today for a followup and it turns out that he has pneumonia - still. How was I supposed to know? He has all the symptoms of a cold and cough but I guess things are different for my little munchkin. Also, he just never seems to slow down unless he has a fever and is throwing up or having a coughing fit. Oh well.
I am working with Ben on developing reading skills. He is not reading yet, but he is understands the sounds all the letters make so I am trying to help him understand phonics. It is funny to watch him because he lasts for about 20 minutes before he starts to squirm and lose interest. He'll start talking about transformers or Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and that is when I know it is getting close to end time. He is all boy - learning has to be activity related.
Mike is busy with work, trying to make a buck or two - which seem to fly out the door awful quick.
Nothing too new to report though. We are looking forward to having a fun year - with friends and family visiting and doing some sightseeing in the area.
Love to all!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Goofy yet still so handsome
Friday, January 11, 2008
Gabe eating his cake
Gabe playing with the bubble blower - he loves bubbles - what two year old doesn't!
I can't believe that he is two already. It makes me a little sad. He is more a little boy than a baby. He is so much fun though. He loves to ham it up and be silly, he adores his older brother Ben (he has many bumps and bruises from trying to do everything Ben does), and he loves to snuggle and cuddle. He still believes that Mommy and Daddy kisses can cure any owie, and when he hears "no, no, no" he generally listens. People say that the two's are terrible, but I have been a witness of a headstrong four year old and it frankly makes a two year old look like a walk in the park! (I love my Ben too!)
Gabe is 2!!
Gabe admiring his new cars - he love Disney cars. Grandma Featherstone gave Gabe a group of cars and he struggled trying to hold all five of them at once. He takes them everywhere he goes. He'll say,"Done cars." and hand them to me. So I put them aside and two seconds later he'll desparately say,"Cars! Cars!". We do this little drama over and over.
Playing with the cars that Grandma Fairchild gave him. The red car moves on it's own after you shake it. So, Gabe figured it was easier to throw the car and have it bounce several times, turn it on it's wheels and it speeds away on it's own. Much easier and more fun than shaking it.
Aventure Aquarium
Adventure Aquarium
Monday, January 7, 2008
New Year's Eve cont
Happy New Year!
Playing with tools and the patient (his majesty)
Christmas and the invalid
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were a little on the mellow side. Sweet little Ben came down with Flu, so he fell asleep at 5:00 pm on Christmas Eve. I was a little saddened by this because I was so excited to go to this local church - one of the oldest in PA (George Washington went to services there) - where they have a candlelight vigil and a live nativity. Instead we stayed at home and watched a Christmas Video about the birth of Christ. But, it was still nice - quiet and mellow. On Christmas Day, Ben woke up with a little bit of energy. At about noon, he was spent. We watched movies and hung out with Grandma and Grandpa and ate a LOT of food. I made crepes with my fancy new crepe maker that I got for Christmas (thanks to the Fairchild's). We kept our pajamas on all day. It was great! By Thursday Ben was really sick. I took him to the Dr. and got all the medicine he needed to recuperate. On Friday, when Bonnie and Kent left Ben was starting to perk up a bit. He is not a very nice sick boy. We were yelled at a lot by the patient. "Leave me alone!" "I just don't want you to be by me!" "I just want to be alone!" "Give me some cold cold water from the fridge!" Poor Bonnie and Kent weren't allowed to go near His Majesty (as ordered by the Majesty himself). He could barely tolerate me and Mike and Mike is his best buddy. So, now I am in the process of bringing His Majesty down to earth. Even though he still is a little sick, he has to cater to himself. No more ordering around! (Yeah right).
Christmas Day
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